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Everything you need to know about Yumeya CF™ Flex Back Chair
Everything you need to know about Yumeya CF™ Flex Back Chair

Updated date: December 16, 2023

  There are so many flex back chair options today in the market. If you are considering investing in flex back chairs, it is essential to grasp the fundamental components that make them exceptional. Yumeya high-end Carbon Fiber Flex Back Chair offers to your place is different. In this article, we will explore how Yumeya's flex back chair sets itself apart from the competition. From supreme comfort to impeccable design, Yumeya flex back chairs redefine your seating experience.


What Is A Flex Back Chair?

  A Flex back chair is an innovative type of seating specifically designed for people who need to sit for long periods of time. A flex back chair's major function is that it allows a person to recline slightly backward, which leads to a more comfortable experience when sitting. Although the feature of reclining backward may sound simple, it packs a lot of benefits including better back support, individualized comfort, reduced hip pressure and so on. Due to all these wonderful features, flex-back chair has now become an integral part of many hotel conference room facilities.


Ideal Choice -- Yumeya CF™ Flex Back Chair

  The market is filled with manufacturers selling flex back chairs, but not every flex back chair is created equally! The highlight of the Carbon Fibre Flex Back Chair is the use of carbon fibre construction, which gives a regular chair a more comfortable rebound and a longer lifespan. Here, let's explore further why Yumeya's Carbon Fiber(CF™) flex back chair is a ideal option than others.

  In fact, carbon fiber is an emerging fiber material that has been used in military safety, aerospace, automotive manufacturing, mechanical production, and other fields. It can also be used to manufacture fashionable chairs. In terms of performance, carbon fiber has high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, and friction resistance. It has a lifespan of up to 10 years and will not be easily damaged.

  To achieve the flex back feature on a regular chair, extra fittings are required at the bottom of the chair. For this purpose, the material of choice we used in the early days was manganese steel. However, base on experience, the use of manganese steel isn't ideal at all, as it is not a highly durable material. If you want to realize the function of flex-back more durable, the thickness of manganese steel will be made thicker. As a result, it improves the durability to a function becomes tight and less comfortable for the users.

  A far better option than the manganese steel was the carbon fiber. However, that technology was only available at the USA-based chair manufacturers and it was really expensive. At Yumeya, we are constantly committed to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation and product development. Our hardworking R&D department has tirelessly worked to incorporate carbon fiber into our chairs, resulting in a breakthrough revolutionizing the industry. After a lot of hard work and dedication, Yumeya Patented CF™ Structure has allowed our flex back chairs to provide a higher level of comfort. At the same time, it has also improved the lifespan of our flex back chairs. Yumeya became the first Chinese manufacturer to use carbon fiber for flex back chairs, that's something that no other Chinese manufacturer can claim about their chairs!

  Last but not the least, the unique carbon fiber flex back chair from Yumeya has the same flex-back function and comfort as the American brand flex back chair but with a lower price.  At just one-fifth of the imported product's cost, Yumeya's flex back chair offers unbelievable value for your money . In simple words, Yumeya's carbon fiber flex back chair is 5 times more affordable than the flex back chair from a USA manufacturer. With this highly advantageous situation, it is undoubtedly a great product and brand competitiveness for our dealers, giving them a competitive edge in their business.



  Yumeya's Carbon Fiber Flex Back Chair stands out as a superior choice due to its unparalleled features, comfort and durability. That's why it is safe to say that Yumeya emerges as a leader in the realm of flex back chairs by prioritizing innovation, quality, and accessibility. If you are interested in Yumeya’s Flex Back Chair, please feel free to contact us! 

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