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Wear resistance fabric suitable for hotel furniture
Wear resistance fabric suitable for hotel furniture

Updated date: December 29, 2023

  If you think about it, a hotel is a place visited by countless visitors every single day. Therefore, it makes sense to ensure that all the hotel furniture and other accessories are kept in good and clean condition. That's why when it comes to buying hotel furniture, the one question that should be asked is: "Can this upholstery fabric withstand frequent wear and still look good?" The answer to this question is enough to gauge whether a piece of furniture is ideal for the hotel or not!

  The decision to choose a particular fabric for the hotel furniture isn't something that should be taken lightly... In fact, it is an important decision that can impact how long the furniture will be able to withstand heavy usage without losing its charm and great looks. The decision to choose the wrong materials for furniture can lead to wear and tear or even color fading within a short span of time. In the end, the hotel will have to go to the market again to replace the upholstery or get a new batch of chairs.

  Today, we will look at the newest offering from Yumeya: High-Performance Fabric Series, which is specially made for hotel furniture. These fabrics are designed to easily handle the rigors of a busy hotel and offer a ton of benefits as well!

Wear resistance fabric suitable for hotel furniture

Why Choose Performance Fabrics For Your Hotel Furniture?

  Using durable fabrics in furniture allows hotel owners to save money on operating costs over the long run. At the same time, using an easy-to-clean fabric makes the job of cleaning crews a lot easier.

 Let's take a look at some more benefits of choosing Yumeya's performance fabrics:


Abrasion Durability

  Durable upholstery fabrics are resistant to wear and tear, making them a great choice for high-traffic areas of the hotel like the lobby, waiting area, dining room, and so on. As a general rule of thumb, always make sure that the upholstery fabric can withstand a minimum of 20,000 rubs. Choosing a fabric like this can be really helpful in avoiding frequent replacement of the fabric as well as the hotel furniture itself.

  In addition, choosing fabric with a higher degree of durability also allows the furniture to keep looking brand new! Over the long run, this can be really beneficial in improving the brand reputation of the hotel.


Antimicrobial Fabric

  In the wake of a global pandemic, the demand for antimicrobial fabrics has been at an all-time high and for the right reasons. If you are wondering what antimicrobial fabric is, then here's a short answer: Antimicrobial fabric kills or slows the spread of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Adding anti-microbial properties to upholstery fabrics provides a layer of protection that extends the life of the fabric and protects the surface from microorganisms.

  Antimicrobial finishes are factory-finished and durable, providing long-term antimicrobial properties, which is really beneficial for commercial environments like hotels.


Waterproof Fabric

  In high-traffic service industry environments such as hotels, it is a common occurrence to experience stains and liquid spills on the furniture. We all know that these are little accidents and a routine part of the hospitality industry. However it is also equally important to clean the furniture regularly to maintain hygiene standards.

  If the furniture fabric used in settings like a hotel isn't waterproof, it can become a major headache to clean and sanitize it.That's why another essential property that must be present in the furniture fabric is water resistance. Look for waterproof fabrics with a water-resistant coating on the front of the fabric, which protects the furniture from accidental spills, liquid damage, and any stains.

  Choosing furniture made with waterproof fabric also has another major benefit - It keeps the chairs clean and hygienic while also maintaining their aesthetic levels.

 Wear resistance fabric suitable for hotel furniture

Yumeya - Your Trusted Partner for Best Hotel Furniture !

  Seeking upholstery fabrics that combine aesthetics and practicality is important, without any doubt. On the one hand, it allows hotels to maintain a higher degree of visual appeal. On the other hand, it turns the complicated and time-consuming process of cleaning the furniture into an easy and quick one.

  At Yumeya Hospitality, we believe that a good chair is not only measured in terms of design and the quality of the raw materials but also from the point of view of the fabric that is used in it! In fact, it wouldn't be wrong to say that fabric makes up a big part of a high-quality chair.

  Given the importance of fabric in hotel furniture, we are constantly on the lookout for better-quality fabric suppliers. Our pursuit for excellence doesn't stop there, though - We also routinely test and experiment with new fabric materials to meet our customers' needs!

  We also believe that lowering the cost of purchase for our customers is not just about discounting a few percentage points, but rather that our quality products will be of value to them later in their business, saving them money in their day-to-day operations and eliminating the need to replace more expensive chairs on a regular basis.

  So, if you need a quality product that is built to deliver value and cost-savings over the long run, you need to contact Yumeya today!

 Wear resistance fabric suitable for hotel furniture

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